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Capability Brown – How to get your own garden theme from the Lanscape Masters

Rolling lawns, large trees and water, either transversing your landscape, or in still ponds are the order of the day. Clipped hedges and shrubs add to the order of the \”natural\” landscape.

Courtesy of Pintrest

Benches or bird baths should act as focal points. If the area is large enough a stine bridge would compliment the landscape. A focal point in a landscape such as this is essential.

Courtesy of Pintrest

Lawn is an essential part of the landscape, and can be used as parkland, rolling lawns, or even as pathways if space dictates. The planting is often soft, with the abscence of hard landscape objects (with the exception of the focal point) and is softened further with the abundant use of the lawn.

Courtesy of Pintrest

Gentle curved lines, with the lawn at the centre, serpentine water ways all guiding the eye to a central point or feature.

Courtesy of Pintrest

All of the planting is soft and the colour is subtle, either in the form of different colour foliage, or muted tones of flowers. It is the copy of nature with a managed feel.



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