Its Fathers Day, and the soap on a rope and ties have passed their sell by date. What better gift for dad than something for the garden?
A bird feeder is the ideal gift. No handy man skills needed, and will enhance any garden with the plethora of birds which are sure to follow.
If you don\’t already have one, a bird bath is a welcome focal point to any landscape.
Why not upgrade the entire landscape and let the friendly professional team at Catscapes Landscapes renovate your garden?
A vegetable garden is also a really awesome Father\’s Day present! Raise it slightly, use weed free compost, plant up, and enjoy!
What better time to install that water feature or irrigation system that you have dreamed about for so long! They will not only enhance the property but will increase the value of your investment.
There are so many landscape choices to spoil your man on Fathers Day, which will not only be permanent, but have a relaxing effect after a hard day at work.